Background of the Enigma of the Missing Stopinder |
* page 761 "In Tetartocosmoses the following names were given to This is my attempt to fix the enigma of the Food Octave where Gurdjieff has placed Exioehary (Testes: Sperm and Ovary:ovum) as the sixth note (6) 'la' of the Law of Seven when it is clearly intended as the seventh (7) 'ti' and "Resulzation" would by its name be the completed octave at (8) higher 'do', however when it is moved to its proper place, there is a missing center and substance at sixth note (6) 'la'. |
To offer a solution to the problem, I have compared "In Search of the Miraculous" by P.D. Ouspensky, Chapter 9 The Table of Hydrogens and their production in the Food Octave with "Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson" by G.I. Gurdjieff Chapter 39 The Holy Planet Purgatory. Ouspensky's recollections of Gurdjieff from 1915 onwards are useful as a cross reference especially because Ouspensky was meticulous in his notes and, although the centers and substances are not defined as they are in Gurdjieff's book, they are located in a three storied structure of man namely upper floor (the head), middle floor (the chest) and bottom floor (the back and the lower part of the body). The Hydrogen substances are labeled as to density and are placed in their appropriate stories and thus it must be assumed that Gurdjieff knew what they were, but was holding back the information. The three being foods are also shown as ordinary food, air and impressions. Air matches with Gurdjieff and Ouspensky's 'impressions' is a mere shadow of 'the assimilation of the cosmic substances,' but the point is clear that no higher beings will be created without 'conscious labors' and 'intentional suffering' which begins with consciousness or ‘being-Partkdolg-duty.' In addition to inserting a substance at sixth note 'la', I have taken issue with Gurdjieff on his assignment of a lower vibrational substance for cerebrum over cerebellum. Humorously, this would be to say that only zombies get to heaven. Other than that I have reproduced the words exactly from Beelzebub's Tales and the page numbers correspond to the 1950 edition which is online here. |
First it is important to clear up another error in Chapter 39 The Holy Planet Purgatory concerning the definition of "Stopinder". |
In trying to solve the missing 'independent arising', one might try to place each 'independent arising' between the notes (gravity centers), but this is not correct. |
* page 750 “The first of these fundamental primordial cosmic sacred laws, namely, the law of Heptaparaparshinokh, present-day objective cosmic science, by the way, formulates in the following words: “‘The-line-of-the-flow-of-forces-constantly-deflecting-according- to-law-and-uniting-again-at-its-ends.’ “This sacred primordial cosmic law has seven deflections or, as it is still otherwise said, seven ‘centers of gravity’ and the distance between each two of these * page 751 deflections or ‘centers of gravity’ is called a ‘Stopinder-of-the- sacred-Heptaparaparshinokh.’ |
In reference to Chapter 17 The Arch-Absurd, it can be seen that a Stopinder is not as stated in Chapter 39 above as "the distance between each two of these deflections or ‘centers of gravity’" but rather the center of gravity itself, thus 'do', 're', 'mi', 'fa', 'sol', 'la', 'ti'. * page 139 Chapter 17 The Arch-Absurd: “And so, my boy, the Omnipresent-Okidanokh obtains its prime arising in space outside of the Most Holy Sun Absolute itself, from the blending of these three independent forces into one, and during its further involutions it is correspondingly changed, in respect of what is called the ‘Vivifyingness of Vibrations’ according to its passage through what are called the ‘Stopinders’ or ‘gravity centers’ of the fundamental ‘common-cosmic sacred Heptaparaparshinokh.’ |
![]() |
Detailed Examination of the Food Octave comparing: Text of "Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson" by G.I. Gurdjieff with the figures from "In Search of the Miraculous" by P.D. Ouspensky.) |
* page 753 "And so, in consequence of the fact that for this new system of functioning of the forces which until then maintained the existence of the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute, there were required outside of the Sun Absolute corresponding sources in which such forces could arise and from which they could flow into the presence of the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute, our ALMIGHTY ENDLESSNESS was just then compelled to create our now existing Megalocosmos with all the cosmoses of different scales and relatively independent cosmic formations present in it, and from then on the system which maintained the existence of the Sun Absolute began to be called Trogoautoegocrat. "Our COMMON FATHER OMNI-BEING ENDLESSNESS, having decided to change the principle of the maintenance of the existence of this then still unique cosmic concentration and sole place of HIS most glorious Being, first of all altered the process itself of the functioning of these two primordial fundamental sacred laws, and HE actualized the greater change in the law of the sacred Heptaparaparshinokh. "These changes in the functioning of the sacred Heptaparaparshinokh consisted in this, that in three of its Stopinders HE altered the what are called ‘subjective actions' which had been until then in the Stopinders, in this respect, that in one HE lengthened the law-conformable successiveness; shortened it in another; and in a third, disharmonized it. |
* page 761 "In Tetartocosmoses the following names were given to these independent arisings: (1) Protoehary (2) Defteroehary (3) Tritoehary (4) Tetartoehary (5) Piandjoehary (6) Incorrectly left out: Hormoneary (made up my me) (7) Exioehary was (6) but is clearly (7) (8) Resulzarion was (7) but is clearly (8) as converted Exioehary |
'do' (1) Protoehary (Ouspensky: H 768 lower (stomach-spine) story) | |
![]() ![]() "And if now, my boy, you satisfactorily grasp the succession of the process of transformation of cosmic substances by means of beings-apparatuses, into which these cosmic substances enter as first being-food, then at the same time you will approximately understand everything concerning the chief particularity of the sacred law of Heptaparaparshinokh as well as the processes of evolution and involution of the other higher being-foods. "When these evolving active elements, in their returning ascent from the last Stopinder of the fundamental common-cosmic Sacred Heptaparaparshinokh, enter into the common presences of being-apparatuses as their first being-food, they begin already from the mouth itself— with the help of the processes of the second-grade law * page 787 Harnelmiatznel, that is, owing to mixture and fusion according to the ‘affinity of vibrations,' with the active elements which have already evolved in the presences of the beings and have acquired vibrations corresponding to the subsequent Stopinders of the being-Heptaparaparshinokh— to be gradually changed, and are transmuted this time in the stomach of the beings into definite active elements named ‘being-Protoehary,' which correspond in their vibrations to the ascending fourth Stopinder of the fundamental common-cosmic Heptaparaparshinokh. | |
're' (2) Defteroehary (Ouspensky: H 384 lower (stomach-spine) story) | |
![]() ![]() vibration' of being-Protoehary, passing—thanks again only to the process Harnelmiatznel—over the whole of what is called the ‘intestinal tract' and gradually evolving, completedly acquires in consequence corresponding vibrations, and is this time completely transmuted in what is called the ‘duodenum' into ‘being-Defteroehary.' | |
'mi' (3) Tritoehary (Ouspensky: H 192 middle (chest) story) | |
![]() ![]() Defteroehary' go to serve the planetary body itself and also the local Harnelmiatznel in respect of the newly entering food, but the other part, also by means of a process of Harnelmiatznel of local character, continues its independent evolution and is ultimately transmuted in beings into the still higher definite substances which are called, this time, ‘being-Tritoehary.' "And this totality of cosmic substances, temporarily crystallized in the common presences of ‘beings-apparatuses which correspond in their vibrations to ‘being-Tritoehary,' have as the gravity-center place of their concentration in the presences of beings the, what is called, ‘liver.' | |
Astralnomonian-Protoehary | |
"It is just in this place of the being-Ansanbaluiazar that the lower ‘Mdnel-In' of the Sacred Heptaparaparshinokh is located, called the ‘mechano-coinciding-Mdnel-In,' and therefore the substances of the being-Tritoehary * page 788 cannot, only owing to the process ‘Harnelmiatznel,' independently evolve further. "Well then, owing to that change in the general functioning of the primordial common-cosmic sacred law of Heptaparaparshinokh, this totality of substances named 'being-Tritoehary' can in the given case evolve further from this state only with the help of forces coming from outside. "That is why in this case, if this totality of substances of ‘being-Protoehary' does not receive foreign help from outside for its further evolution in the common presences of the beings, then both this totality and all the definite centers of gravity of the being-Ansanbaluiazar crystallized up to it always involve back again into those definite cosmic crystallizations from which they began their evolution. "For this help coming from outside, Great Nature in the given case most wisely adapted the inner organization of beings in such a manner that the substances which had to enter into the common presences of beings for the coating and feeding of their second being-bodies Kesdjan, namely, that totality of cosmic substances which your favorites call air, might at the same time serve as just such a help coming from outside for the evolution of the substances of the first being-food. "The active elements which compose this second being-food or air, and which enter into the presences of beings also for evolution through this second being-food, beginning from the nose of beings, gradually evolve with the co-operation of various processes of Harnelmiatznel of local character, and are also transmuted this time in the what are called ‘lungs' of beings into Protoehary, but into Protoehary called ‘Astralnomonian-Protoehary.' "And then the substances of this ‘Astralnomonian- Protoehary,' entering into the presences of beings for their own evolution and having still in themselves, according to * page 789 the Sacred Heptaparaparshinokh, all the possibilities of evolving from their centers of gravity by the process of Harnelmiatznel alone, mix with the totality of substances of the first being-food which have already evolved up to the third Stopinder of the Sacred being-Heptaparaparshinokh, and further evolve together, and thus help these substances of the first being-food to pass through the lower 'mechano-coinciding-Mdnel-In' and to be transmuted into other definite substances, into ‘being-Tetartoehary,' and the Astralnomonian-Protoehary' itself is transmuted into the substances named ‘Astralnomonian-Defteroehary.' "At this point in my explanations, you can have one more clarifying example for a full understanding of the difference between Autoegocrat and Trogoautoegocrat, that is, of the difference between the former maintaining system of the existence of the Sun Absolute when that system was Autoegocratic, and the other system now called Trogoautoegocratic which it became after the creation of the Megalocosmos. "If the transformation of substances through ‘beings-apparatuses' proceeded according to the law of the Sacred Heptaparaparshinokh when certain of its Stopinders were not yet changed, that is, as it still functioned before the creation of our now existing Megalocosmos, then the cosmic substances composing the first being-food, entering into such ‘apparatuses-cosmoses' for the local process of evolution, would accomplish their ascent up to their completing transmutation into other higher definite active elements without any obstacle and without any help coming from outside—merely by the process of Harnelmiatznel alone, but now since the independent functioning of this primordial sacred law has been changed into a dependent functioning, the evolution or involution in its changed Stopinders must always be dependent upon external ‘extraneously caused' manifestations. "In the given case, this extraneously caused help for * page 790 the complete transmutation of cosmic crystallizations through beings into higher crystallizations is the second being-food, which has entirely different causes of its arising and which must actualize entirely different cosmic results. "I will some time later explain to you in detail how the transformation of the substances of the second and third being-foods proceeds in beings, but meanwhile note only that these higher cosmic substances in beings are transformed according to exactly the same principles as the substances of the first being-food. | |
'fa' (4) Tetartoehary (Ouspensky: H 96 middle (chest) story) | |
![]() ![]() to the Sacred Heptaparaparshinokh, the further completing process of the transformation of the substances of their first being-food proceeds in the presences of ‘beings-apparatuses.' "And so ... the ordinary first being-food is thus gradually transmuted in beings into definite substances called 'being-Tetartoehary,' which have in beings, just as of course in your favorites, as the central place of their concentration both of what are called the Having swapped with (Piandjoehary:5) this should read: "the ‘cerebellum,’ which in beings is also located in the head." (Ouspensky has it in the middle (chest) story which is acceptable as it is also the spinal column. In any case the cerebrum must be higher than cerebellum.) | |
'sol' (5) Piandjoehary (Ouspensky: H 48 top (head) story) | |
![]() ![]() hemispheres of their head-brain goes unchanged to serve the planetary body of the given being, but the other part having in itself all the possibilities for independent evolution, continues to evolve without any help coming from outside; and mixing again by means of the process Harnelmiatznel with previously formed higher substances already present in the beings, it is gradually transmuted into still higher definite being-active-elements called ‘Piandjoehary.' "And these substances have as the central place of their concentration in beings the, what is called, ‘Sianoorinam' or, as your favorites call this part of their planetary body," * page 791 Having swapped with (Tetartoehary:4 assumed to be cerebrum) this should read: "the 'hemispheres of their head-brain:'" (thus ‘cerebrum' Piandjoehary:5 which is confirmed by Ouspensky as being in the top (head) story. | |
"Soul-Protoehary" (Due to the presence of the third point of the triangle in the enneagram at the higher 'do') | |
and in order to transform completedly into new higher substances and in order to acquire vibrations corresponding to the vibrations of the next higher vivifyingness, namely, corresponding to the fifth Stopinder of the fundamental process of the common-cosmic Sacred Heptaparaparshinokh, it inevitably requires just that foreign help which is actualized only in the presences of the three-brained beings exclusively owing to those factors mentioned by me more than once and which are manifested in the ‘being-Partkdolg-duty,' that is, owing to just those factors which our COMMON FATHER CREATOR ENDLESSNESS consented to foreordain to be the means by which certain of the Tetartocosmoses—as a final result of their serving the purposes of the common-cosmic Iraniranumange— might become helpers in the ruling of the enlarged World, and which factors also until now serve as the sole possible means for the assimilation of the cosmic substances required for the coating and perfecting of the higher being-bodies and which we at the present time call 'conscious labors' and ‘intentional suffering.' * page 783 It is interesting, however, to notice that in the beginning, namely, soon after the destruction of the functioning of the organ Kundabuffer in the three-brained beings breeding on this planet of yours, they also became aware of these two higher being-foods, and then began to use them with cognized intention, and certain beings of the continent Atlantis of its latest period even began to consider these same processes of the absorption of these higher being-foods as the chief aim of their existence. “The beings of the continent Atlantis then called the second being-food Amarloos,’ which meant ‘help-for-the-moon,’ and they called the third being-food the ‘sacred Amarhoodan,’ and this last word then signified for them ’help-for-God.’ (It is interesting to note how Gurdjieff created the word 'Piandjoehary' and 'Kundabuffer' by reference to a map of the Amu Darya in Central Asia. There are two tributaries: the Panj (Pyandzh) River representing "Help for God" (since this is where the Sarmoung brotherhood was located) and the other being Kunduz River representing "Help for the Moon". - See Meetings with Remarkable Men). | |
'la' (6): It is conjectured to be missing from Beelzebub's Tales. Called here: "Hormoneary" (word coined by me) (Ouspensky: H 24 middle (chest) story) (Endocrine system: Hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis centered in the chest) | |
(Following Gurdjieff's announcement of the 'cerebellum': * page 791, which has been swapped with 'cerebrum' as shown in the previous section, there appears be a section that applies to the "missing Stopinder" shown in bold:) “Just these same substances in beings, according to the fifth deflection of the Sacred Heptaparaparshinokh, have the free possibility of giving, in the manifestations of the common presences of three-brained beings, results not similar but ‘opposite to each other.’ “That is why, in respect of these being-substances, the beings themselves must always be very, very much on their guard in order to avoid undesirable consequences for their entire whole. “From the | |
'ti' (7) Exioehary (Ouspensky: H 12 lower (stomach-spine) story) | |
"'Hydrogen' si 12 is the 'hydrogen' which represents the final product of the transformation of food in the human organism. This is the matter with which sex works and which sex manufactures. It is 'seed' or 'fruit.'" & "And when they (all the cells of physical body) have become sufficiently saturated the matter si 12 begins to crystallize. The crystallization of this matter constitutes the formation of the 'astral body.'" "In Search of the Miraculous", pg 262,263) | |
![]() ![]() in the beings of the male sex, in what are called ‘testicles' and in the beings of the female sex in what most of your favorites call ‘ovaries,' which are the place of concentration in the common presences of beings of the ‘being- Exioehary,' which is for the beings themselves their most sacred possession. "Just these same substances in beings, according to the fifth deflection of the Sacred Heptaparaparshinokh, have the free possibility of giving, in the manifestations of the common presences of three-brained beings, results not similar but ‘opposite to each other.' "That is why, in respect of these being-substances, the beings themselves must always be very, very much on their guard in order to avoid undesirable consequences for their entire whole. (First part of paragraph beginning "From the cerebellum of beings" and sentence beginning "You should know" is moved to (6)) "Only after this are the cosmic substances which enter beings-apparatuses for the purpose of evolution, that is, for the possibility of passing the lower Mdnel-In of the fundamental common-cosmic ‘exchange of substances,' transformed into that definite totality of cosmic substances— which transformation is the lot of all beings in general and also of your contemporary three-brained beings who breed on the planet Earth in particular, for the automatic justification of the sense and aim of their existence, and this totality of cosmic substances is everywhere called ‘Exioehary.' | |
‘intentionally-actualized-Mdnel-In. | |
| |
Higher 'do' (8) Resulzarion | |
* page 791 "And so, my boy, this totality of their first being-food which results from the evolution in these beings-apparatuses, * page 792 corresponds with its vibrations to the last Stopinder of the being-Heptaparaparshinokh, and according to the particularity of this Stopinder, it enters the ‘higher-intentionally-actualizing-Mdnel-In' of the law of Heptaparaparshinokh; * skip to page 796 "Come now and let us talk about these ‘higher-perfected- being-bodies,' that is about ‘souls,' who came onto this holy planet Purgatory to which all my foregoing explanations have referred. "And so ... from the very beginning, when these higher being-parts arose in this way and were perfected * page 797 in beings to the required sacred gradation of Objective Reason, that is to say, when in accordance with the lower Mdnel-In of the Sacred Heptaparaparshinokh, the body- Kesdjan was, thanks to the second being-food formed in beings, and in accordance with the higher Mdnel-In of the same sacred law, the third highest being-body was, thanks to the third being-food, coated and perfected; and when these completely perfected higher being-parts were divided from the lower being-parts, then they were deemed worthy to be immediately united with the Most Most Holy Prime-Source and began to fulfill their Divine foreordained purpose. ![]() ![]() | |
Appendix | |
Some followers of Ouspensky resolve the enigma of the Food Octave by starting 'Protoehary' at note 're' instead of 'do', but this is contradicted by page 787 because the 'fourth Stopinder of the fundamental common-cosmic Heptaparaparshinokh' would not begin at 're'. Strangely, John Bennett insists that 'Exioehary' is meant to remain at (6) ("Talk's on Beelzbub's Tales, p. 99"). This is contradicted by page 791-792: For those who still do no see a problem in the list of seven substances at the top, it is confirmed in his writings that (6) 'Exioehary' is at position 'ti' (See above paragraph) and (7) 'Resulzarion' would by its name imply that it represents the higher 'do'. This would mean that they should be labeled (7) and (8). 'Piandjoehary' can also be shown in the discussions about it to be at position 'sol' and therefore can remain at (5) as this is the position before the triangle on the left in the enneagram. This leaves (6) to be missing except for some mysterious pathway ‘Trnlva'. I myself many times tried to resolve it by filling in these substances in the spaces between the notes, but this never seemed satisfactory. (I have spoken elsewhere of my question to the first line student Nyland about this, and the brush-off he gave me.) There is one author (reference contained in Enneagram link) who claims that Gurdjieff purposefully left out the position 'la' in the Food Octave in "Beelzebub's Tales" in order to show the action of the enneagram. This is in spite of the fact that he taught this position to Ouspensky many years prior to this (see diagram in the section on 'la' above taken directly from "In Search of the Miraculous"). Although it is possible that Gurdjieff did map out "Beelzebub's Tales" according to the enneagram (given that there are only six voyages by Beelzebub's to the Planet Earth, instead of seven and given that there are only six enneagram points), it is perhaps merely a literary device. (See Outline of All and Everything). The fact remains that the word enneagram is absent in "Beelzebub's Tales" especially in the Chapter 'Form and Sequence' where it certainly should have been mentioned. Although Gurdjieff does use the phrase "perpetual motion" (See "The System of Archangel Hariton") which might imply the enneagram (See "Mapping the Enneagram") and certainly used it widely in the dances he correographed called "Movements", this does seem point to its use in the Food Octave. What is the real reason that the substance at 'la' is missing in the Food Octave? I would have expected that Ouspensky would have pointed out this discrepancy to Gurdjieff and then mentioned it in "In Search of the Miraculous", however, maybe he was never allowed to see "Beelzebub's Tales". I can only chalk it up to sloppiness on Gurdjieff's part and the syndrome of an "infallible leader that no one dares to question" that prevented someone from correcting his mistake, but most of all Gurdjieff's tendency to alienate those who could have assisted him. (Addition to published paper: The placing of cerebrum at 'sol' and 'Homoneary' at 'la' is supported by Boris Mouravieff, an associate of Ouspensky, in his "Gnosis, volume III, p 121 : "This is how the energy SOL 48 serves as matter for thought, while the energy LA 24 makes the motor and lower emotional centres function." (Volume III (esoteric cycle). La Colombe, Paris, 1965) I would interpret 'motor' to be the hormonal reactions.) |
Text of "Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson" by G.I. Gurdjieff (with my comments; my illustrations on the left) (right hand figures from "In Search of the Miraculous" by P.D. Ouspensky.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
*In Search of the Miraculous" Chapter 10 Page 205 By comparing this with Beelezbub's Tales, it appears that both have a missing a cosmos. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
* page 759 “Here it is necessary to tell you that when this most wise Divine actualization was finished, our triumphant cherubim and seraphim then gave, for the first time, to all the newly arisen actualizations those names which exist even until today. Every ‘relatively independent concentration’ in general they then defined by the word ‘cosmos,’ and to distinguish the different orders of arising of these * page 760 ‘cosmoses,’ they added to this definition ‘cosmos’ a separate corresponding name. “And all the results issuing from all the cosmic sources, great and small, taken together, were also then named by them the ‘common-cosmic Ansanbaluiazar.’ “It is interesting to remark that concerning this ‘common- cosmic Ansanbaluiazar,’ present-day objective science has also the formula: ‘Everything issuing from everything and again entering into everything.’ “Independent names were then given also to all the, as they are called, ‘temporarily independent crystallizations’ arising in each of the innumerable cosmoses by the evolutionary and involutionary processes of these fundamental sacred laws. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(Cosmoses reordered and grouped from highest to lowest) 1. Holy Sun Absolute: “And, namely, they named the Most Most Holy Prime- Source Sun Absolute itself—‘Protocosmos.’ (1) The emanation of the Holy Sun Absolute, Itself they called, as I have already told you, ’Theomertmalogos’ or ‘Word-God.’ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2. galaxies: Milky Way: * page 748 “In the beginning, when nothing yet existed and when the whole of our Universe was empty endless space with the presence of only the prime-source cosmic substance ’Etherokrilno,’ our present Most Great and Most Most Holy Sun Absolute existed alone in all this empty space, * page 749 and it was on this then sole cosmic concentration that our UNI-BEING CREATOR with HIS cherubim and seraphim had the place of HIS most glorious Being. “It was just during this same period of the flow of time that there came to our CREATOR ALL-MAINTAINER the forced need to create our present existing ‘Megalocosmos,’ i.e., our World. * page 760 “And all those cosmoses, which together compose our present World, began to be called the ‘Megalocosmos.’ “And then also our cherubim gave names, also existing until now, to the emanations and radiations issuing from all these cosmoses of different scales, by means of which the process of the most great cosmic Trogoautoegocrat proceeds. * page 761 (7) The common radiations of all the ‘Newly-arisen-second-order- Suns taken together they called ‘Polorotheoparl.’ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3. Sun stars: Sun: * page 760 “Each newly arisen ‘Second-order-Sun’ with all its consequent definite results they called ‘Defterocosmos.’ (5) The radiation of each separate Second-order-Sun, ’Mentekithzoin.’ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4. solar systems: Solar System (Mesocosmos): * page 761 (6) The radiations of all the planets together of any solar system they called ‘Astroluolucizoin.’ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5. planets: Earth: * page 760 “‘Third-order-Suns,’ i.e., those we now call ‘planets,’ they called ‘Tritocosmos.’ (3) The radiation of each planet separately they called ’Dynamoumzoin.’ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6. three-brained beings: Humans: * page 760 and, finally, those formations of the ‘microcosmos’ and which also became concentrated on the planets, this time thanks to the second-order cosmic law called ‘mutual attraction of the similar,’ were named ‘Tetartocosmoses.’ * page 761 The radiations issuing from the ‘Tetartocosmoses’ they called ‘Hanbledzoin.’