Quick index below to Beelzebub`s Tales to His Grandson Shows text links to chapters with titles: (Corrected errata from 1950 edition are underlined; Grey text = Beelzebub speaks; Blue text = Hassein speaks; Red text = Ahoon speaks; Pink text = Mullah Nassr Eddin sayings; Green text = Narrator; Page Numbers) (All of Beelzebub's Tales is offered here in one file for purpose of using the search facility of your browser (not the "Search this site") to find all references to a particular word. It is somewhat clumsy in that you must keep seacrhing to access all the appended htmls until the last is found, then the full search total will be loaded and it stablizes.) Note that the later revised version by de Salzmann is not recommended, although it is acceptable |
Book 1 | |||||
![]() Chapter 1 The Arousing of Thought Accidental events created Gurdjieff's "I" Chapter 2 Introduction:Why Beelzebub Was in Our Solar System Chapter 3 The Cause of the Delay in the Falling of the Ship Karnak Need to accept accidental events and make the most of them
Concept of insulating oneself from distracting influences in churches. Chapter 5 The System of Archangel Hariton Chapter 5, 6, 7 - The Gurdjieff System and the The definition of being-Partkdolg duty **1 (Explanation of the Captain ends abruptly when "a SOUND like the vibrations of a long minor chord of a far-off orchestra of wind instruments resounded through the ship.") Chapter 6 Perpetual Motion Chapter 7 Becoming Aware of Genuine Being-Duty Chapter 8 The Impudent Brat Hassein,Beelzebub`s Grandson,Dares to Call Men "Slugs" Chapter 9 The Cause of the Genesis of the Moon Moon = personality Anulios = I (the essence) (It is quite probable that the moon was formed by a comet which hit the earth and other fragments might have also orbited briefly, but this was before life had begun. However, it would appear that Gurdjieff found an ancient record of another moon, but this would clearly have been due to a comet that intersected the earth's orbit and was trapped for a while -see Wikipedia, Anulios is , therefore merely a metaphor, since no permanent second moon exists.) (In Chapter 17 Gurdjieff also refers to some fragment of ancient knowledge about the Sun being cold, which is ridiculous and again a metaphor. See See Ouspensky 'In Search of the Miraculous' starting with Chapter 4 page 80 for the ray of Creation to explain the importance of the Sun and Moon.) Chapter 10 "Why "Men" Are Not Men People's incorrect view of the world must be removed before they can be "men", but there are always pre dispositions to act as if they were still there. Chapter 11 A Piquant Trait of the Peculiar Psyche of Contemporary Man Chapter 12 The First "Growl" Chapter 13 Why in Man`s Reason Fantasy May Be Perceived as Reality Chapter 14 The Beginnings of Perspectives Promising Nothing Very Cheerful Chapter 15 The First Descent of Beelzebub Upon the Planet Earth FIRST DESCENT (corresponding to enneagram position 1 at 're')= first center: Body. Mistake of changing the incorrect existence of one's life because your body can only function in that wrong way Chapter 16 The Relative Understanding of Time Chapter 17 The Arch-absurd: According to the Assertion of Beelzebub, Our Sun Neither Lights or Heats Humans have three brains ruled by the Law of Three: 1. head - Afffirming, 2.spine -Denying, 3. solar plexus- Neutalizing Chapter 18 The Arch-Preposterous Mental manipulations of the fragments of truth Chapter 19 Beelzebub’s Tales About His Second Descent on to the Planet Earth SECOND DESCENT (corresponding to enneagram position 4 at 'fa') = second center: Feeling center. How we mistreat our feeling center (donkey) Chapter 20 The Third Flight of Beelzebub to the Planet Earth THIRD DESCENT (Ch 20,21,22) (corresponding to enneagram position 2 at 're' = thinking center How we use our thinking center for mental fantasies Chapter 21 The First Visit of Beelzebub to India Chapter 22 Beelzebub for the First Time in Tibet Chapter 23 The Fourth Personal Sojourn of Beelzebub on the Planet Earth FOURTH DESCENT (corresponding to enneagram position 8 at 'ti' thus Exioehary) = Emotional body (kesdjanian body or astral body or spirit) Apes and Alkaldan society (most humans are basically apes, a few have grown a spirit body. What came first the chicken or the egg: spirit or flesh?) Chapter 24 Beelzebub’s Flight to the Planet Earth for the Fifth Time FIFTH DESCENT Chapter 24-28 (corresponding to enneagram position 5 at 'sol') = soul (the third body) Babylon discussion of the soul that were pure fantasy as opposed to Ashiata Shiemash's method (Gurdjieff's) for obtaining a soul Chapter 25 The Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemash, Sent From Above to the Earth Chapter 26 The Legominism Concerning the Deliberations of the Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemash Under the Title of "The Terror of the Situation" “Faith,” “Love”, and “‘Hope” Faith of consciousness is freedom Faith of feeling is weakness Faith of body is stupidity. Love of consciousness evokes the same in response Love of feeling evokes the opposite Love of body depends only on type and polarity, Hope of consciousness is strength Hope of feeling is slavery Hope of body is disease. Chapter 27 The Organization for Man`s existence Created by the Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemash Chapter 28 The Chief Culprit in the Destruction of all the Very Saintly Labors of Ashiata Shiemash | |||||
Book 2 | |||||
Chapter 29 The Fruits of Former Civilizations and the Blossoms of the Contemporary Chapter 30 Art At the end of this chapter the spaceship Karnak reaches her destination at the planet Revozvradendr. **2 ("The phosphorescent gleaming of the hoofs was obtained because, concentrated in a particular proportion, there were directed from the engine room to that part of the ship the holy parts of the sacred Omnipresent Okidanokh.") | |||||
Second Book should start here (This is from the Herald of the Coming Good and the French and Russian versions which is the correct position as opposed to English Translation here) | |||||
Chapter 31 The Sixth and Last Sojourn of Beelzebub on the Planet Earth Chapter 31-34 SIXTH DESCENT (corresponding to enneagram position 7 at 'la') = "I" (the fourth body - the Soul that must be perfected under the will of God) Chapter 32 Hypnotism Chapter 33 Beelzebub as Professional Hypnotist Chapter 34 Russia Chapter 35 A Change in the Appointed Course of the Falling of the Transspace Ship Karnak Chapter 36 Just a Wee Bit More About the Germans Chapter 37 France Chapter 38 Religion Just before the next chapter: **3 "They sensed the sour-bitterish taste because a special magnetic current was released from the steering compartment of the ship to inform all the passengers of the approach to the place of destination." Chapter 39 The Holy Planet "Purgatory" Containing the most information anywhere for the understanding of the universe and the spiritual development of human beings Also contains the Food Octave. | |||||
Book 3 | |||||
Chapter 40 Beelzebub tells how people learned and again forgot about the fundamental cosmic law of Heptaparaparshinokh Chapter 41 The Bokharian dervish Hadji-Asvatz-Troov **4 (At the end of this chapter there was an unforeseen stopping at the planet Deskaldino. Thus the passengers experienced something like a sweet-sour taste in the region of the inner part of their mouths." - This is clearly a dig at America's "Utopia" in comparison to the Utopia of the Holy Planet Purgatory. | |||||
Third Book should start here (This is from the Herald of the Coming Good and the French and Russian versions which is the correct position as opposed to English Translation here) | |||||
Chapter 42 Beelzebub in America **5 ("At this point of Beelzebub's tales, what is called a "crosscurrent" or "agitation" began in the ether which penetrated the whole of the ship Karnak. This signified that the passengers of the ship Karnak were summoned to the "Djamdjampal," that is, that "refectory" of the ship in which all the passengers together periodically fed on the second and first being-foods. So Beelzebub, Hassein, and Ahoon ceased their conversation and hastily went off to the Djamdjampal." - Refers to the agitation with Orage, whom he had sent to run the groups in America and the indigestion that it caused.) Chapter 43 Beelzebub`s Opinion of War Chapter 44 In the Opinion of Beelzebub, Man’s Understanding of Justice is For Him in the Objective Sense an Accursed Mirage Chapter 45 In the Opinion of Beelzebub, Man’s Extraction of Electricity From Nature and its Destruction During its Use, is One of the Chief Causes of the Shortening of the Life of Man **6 (At the end of this chapter: "There were diffused all along the intersystem ship Karnak artificially produced vibrations which had the property of penetrating into the common presences of all the passengers of the ship and which acted on what are called the "wandering nerves" of the stomach. This artificially produced manifestation was an announcement to the passengers about their assembling in the common what is called "Djameechoonatra," a kind of terrestrial "monasterial refectory" in which the second being- food is collectively taken." After that Beelzebub goes to his cabin to: "cool his already extremely decrepit tail a little in a certain liquid, to which he was compelled to have recourse from time to time on account of his old age."- liquor! ) Chapter 46 Beelzebub Explains to his Grandson the Significance of the Form and Sequence Which he Chose for Expounding the Information Concerning Man This the most importnat explanation of being Partkdolg duty is described **7 (After the "Form and Sequence chapter, "Beelzebub intended to say more, but just then everything was suddenly lit up with a 'pale blue something' From that moment the falling of the ship Karnak began to diminish perceptibly in speed. All this meant that one of the great Cosmic Egolionopties was about to come alongside the space-ship Karnak.") Chapter 47 The Inevitable Result of Impartial Mentation Gradations of reason
![]() Chapter 48 From the Author |
Hints |
Yes, hypnotism can manipulate
you by acting on your immature essence, but any Gurdjieff follower who thinks he/she is superior could not harm a fly, so don't be intimidated by "work-speak" or "dance-speak'. (The Gurdjieff Work does not exempt oneself from following the construct of Love which is common to all spiritual paths.) |
Acting with Gurdjieff's personality is not being a perfected being. He admits that he is Beelzebub! |
Know the truth for yourself: just read the book "Beelzebub's Tales". (Those books about Gurdjieff or the 'Work' by other authors or 'students' can distort and confuse.) This is the only book that has not been changed by followers (with the exception of Book sectioning) .... yet. |
Read the Second Series: "Meetings with Remarkable Men" (with a brief tip of the hat to a woman Vitvitskaia, Gurdjieff's Mary Magdalene), it is unchanged also, but please observe how the followers distorted the message with the "Material Question" chapter with the implication that "remarkable men" cheat people. (It was not to be part of "Meetings with Remarkable Men" as evidenced by no chapter number and if one does not count the Introduction which should not have been numbered, there are nine real chapters for each point on the enneagram!) |
As to the Third Series: "Life is Only Real when I AM", he never wrote it. Throw the published one in the garbage. (I can certainly understand why he was not inspired to write it, considering the cold reception of his First Series. The difficultly of reading "Beelzebub's Tales" that people use to avoid reading it, it is merely the inability to hold their concentration on a sentence that is longer than a New York Times newspaper sentence length. This and "Herald of the Coming Good" is the best source for the "Third Series".) |
Hope these notes can help.