Enneagram Star
(the eneagram star™)

Gurdjieff Demystified

© 2009-2024 by Dylan Stephens

Dedicated to the rehabilitation of Ahoon (and Hassein)

Using Gurdjieff actor in"In Search of the Miraculous - PD Ouspensky on George Gurdjieff" to have Gurdjieff's tell his 83 year old turkey story followed by Gurdjieff image saying "Amen":

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When Beelzebub, now with a transfigured appearance corresponding to His merits and visible to all, had occupied His usual place, Ahoon, His old servant who had been close to Him during almost the whole of His existence, unexpectedly fell prostrate before Him and in a sincerely entreating voice began to speak:

"Sacred Podkoolad of our Great Megalocosmos! Have mercy upon me and pardon me, an unfortunate ordinary three-centered being, for my past disrespectful manifestations, voluntary and involuntary, towards Your Sacred Essence."
Have mercy and pardon me: just this three-centered being, who, though he has existed a very long time, yet to his misfortune—only because in his preparatory age nobody aided the crystallization in him of the data for the ability of intensively actualizing being-Partkdolg-duty— had until now been so shortsighted that he had been unable to sense the reality present beneath an exterior with which, according to the common-cosmic Trogoautoegocrat, all those existing and newly arising units of the Megalocosmos are coated, who ought to have in their presence that sacred 'something' which is called Reason."

Having said this, Ahoon stood as if sunk in a stupor of silent expectancy.

And Beelzebub, also in silence, gazed at him with a look which, though perceived externally from without was full of love and forgiveness, yet there could be felt in it also His Essence-grief and inevitable resignation.

During this afore-described scene, Hassein stood apart in the posture everywhere called the 'posture-of-the-all-famous- universal-hermit,' Harnatoolkpararana of the planet Kirmankshana. And when a little bit later Beelzebub cast His eyes around and noticed His grandson in the said posture, He turned to him and said:

"What, my boy! Can it be that the same proceeds in your presence as in our old Ahoon's?"

(Please note that the page references to 'Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson' are to the English translation published in 1950 which was translated from the Russian (the language which Gurdjieff primarily wrote in) and, having being completed before Gurdjieff's death, would have been approved by him. Unfortunately the translation printed in 1992 under the direction of Jeanne de Salzmann (she having the claim that Gurdjieff entrusted his organization to her) has certain differences that may or may not be correct, although its intent was to be closer to the substance of the Russian version.
Fortunately the 1950 version is available online here. (Index with titles is shown in "My outline on All and Everything" near the end.)

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Selector for YouTube Lectures and Songs on the Gurdjieff Demystified
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I am published in:

The Proceedings of the 23rd International Humanities Conference: ALL and Everything 2018 Paperback – February 21, 2019
Presentation at All & Everything Conference

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Explanded here:My Solution to Gurdjieff's mistake of a missing Stopinder in Beelzebub's Tales
"Key to Soul Is Within The Missing Stopinder in the Gurdjieff Food Octave"

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"The Secret Enneagram of Gurdjieff and its relationship to Universal Vortex Math"
Mapping the Enneagram

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"The Soul is Sex but Sex is not Soul"
Gurdjieff's invention of Kundabuffer and its relationship to the Limbic System

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"Placing the Major Arcana Cards of the Tarot on the Kabbalah"
Correcting the upside-down order; Finding the engine of the Sephiroth that bridges the discontinuities of the Gurdjieff Enneagram

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"Three-Body Gurdjieff Enneagram of the Body, Spirit, and Soul"
Expanding the Gurdjieff Food Octave into Body, Spirit, Soul

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"Photonic Soul - Beyond Gurdjieff"
Replacing Impressions with Photons using Miles Mathis' theory of photons as the building block of all Matter
(Miles Mathis site that I made)

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"All & Everything about Gurdjieff's Stopinders"
Having already found "The Missing Stopinder in the Food Octave", I will look at all references of Gurdjieff's Stopinders in All & Everything: Beelzebub's Tales.
Pointing to the inconsistencies in their derivation, exploring the musical intervals and mapping them on a circle with a protractor,
to find that the discontinuities (gaps: missing black notes on the piano) do not exist.
However, by redefining them at "points of action" and renaming the three primary Stopinders of World Creation
with the emphasis of explaining the three qualities of 'sol'-'la', the true Enneagram is revealed.
Also exploring the seven colors RGB and CMK and building the Enneagram of Color.

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"Gurdjieff's Creation Story Deciphered in Two Enneagrams"
Finally, the explanation for the "Shortening and Lengthening of Two Stopinders"
How an imperfect Creation is necessary for everything to exist and for us to achieve perfection by means of time ('the Heropass')

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"Enneagram of Jesus"
After rejecting Judas as the special disciple of Jesus. The two important places of "agape love" and "Purgatory" are shown in the Three Body Enneagram.

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"Prayer to the Triune God"
A prayer to reveal the steps to spiritual completion using the Kabbalah and the Gurdjieff Food Octave enhanced by the Ouspensky extended diagram and logic.

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"Evaluating Gurdjieff's Aphorism of Faith-Love-Hope
Subtitle: How Lentrohamsanin (Lenin-Trotsky-Stalin) destroyed it"

All & Everything Beelzebub's Tales to his Grandson Chapter 25-28 The Marble Tablet that remained from Most Saintly Ashiata Shiemash in his Legominism titled "The Terror of the Situation"

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"Using deep fake with videos of Gurdjieff: 83 old turkey, Scotch, Crocodile, Fiat, Tape machine, Amen, and Harmonic from @MichaelGarlandChapter 48 Page 1184 of Beelzebub's Tales

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"Lilith the Equal of Adam; Sex is Day Seven of Creation"
Comparing Genesis Creation with the Babylonian Enuma Elish and with the Gurdjieff Creation.

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"The Secret to Gurdjieff's World Creation is Harnel-Aoot
Deciphering the Strange Action of Harnel-Aoot

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"Whose Afraid of the Apocalypse

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Gurdjieff inspired songs:
"Timeless Food"
The third canticle presented in the Holy Planet Purgatory ('Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson' by G.I. Gurdjieff) shows how God saw that his kingdom was passing away with the passage of Time and God's correction to it
(See "Essay9: Gurdjieff's Creation Story Deciphered")

"My Body Kesdjan"
The Body Kesdjan is a made up word by G.I. Gurdjieff for astral body ('Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson' by G.I. Gurdjieff)
"Hassein Crying"
When his Grandfather Beelzebub reveals to his grandson Hassein the plight of the people on the Earth, whom Hassein has called slugs, Hassein starts to cry. ('Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson' by G.I. Gurdjieff)
"Spiritual Counting"
A simple nursery rhyme of spiritual growth
"The Chains"
"For when the down comes, I reach for the up part, not fearing the start of the pain that numbs."
Talks from about the Mistakes of Modern Science as proved by Miles Mathis (demonstrates that the great names of science are fallible and many of our so-called 'scientific' proofs are false.)
Einstein's E=MC2 is Wrong: This proof of the true transform of E=mc2 is derived by Miles MathisSCI-1Youtube
Talks from my Pesher of Christ site:
"Can You Find the Disciples in the Gospel of John?" PCYoutube
"Proof that Jesus did not die on the cross" PCYoutube
"Jesus, the Early Years" PCYoutube
"The Identities of the Twelve Disciples" PCYoutube
"Marriage of Jesus and Mary Magdalene" PCYoutube
"Miracles are Metaphors" PCYoutube
"Mary Magdalene announces Jesus' child; The Last Supper" PCYoutube
"Surviving the Crucifixion cock crowing -3 hours" PCYoutube
"The Truth about the Resurrection of Jesus" PCYoutube
"Jesus' Three Children" PCYoutube
"Paul & Thecla, Paul's Missionary Journeys with Barnabas and Silas" PCYoutube
"Canonizing the Gospels, The Four Horses of the Apocalypse" PCYoutube
"Second Marriage of Jesus, his daughter Phoebe marries Paul" PCYoutube
"Mary Magdalene's death December 57 AD" PCYoutube
"Jesus dies in 72 AD; Jesus IV is born in 112 AD" PCYoutube
Imagine if DaVinci did have a Code:The Pesher of Christ: Exploration of the Real Jesus and his disciples that were covered up in the Dead Sea Scrolls discoveriesPCYoutube
Jesus' JourneysAnimation, shown as a competition, of the the journeys that Jesus and his parents went on as believed in the New Testament that show their impossible length compared as a race to the journeys from the real Jerusalem located in Qumran on the Dead Sea PCYoutube
The Annunciation of Mary: Shows that it was a cover-up and who was the father of the child Jesus PCYoutube
Santa's Reindeer as the Disciples of Jesus: The origins of Xmas and how the reindeer evolved from Jesus's DisciplesPCYoutube
Pesher of Christ inspired songs:
Mary MagdaleneSong5Youtube
Glory to GodSong6Youtube
'Son of God', Jesus never saidSong7Youtube
Recommended Musical Theater by John Maxwell Taylor on Gurdjieff
Crazy Wisdom
The Miraculous Healing
(After selecting the video above, you can also select "Watch on YouTube" to select full screen.)

* My outline on All and Everything (with chapter links): Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson

* His Endlessness creates: Cosmoses by changing the sacred law of Heptaparaparshinokh

*New* Placing the RGB and CMY Color Triangles into the Gurdjieff Enneagram using Newton's Color Wheel: The Enneagram of Color

* System of Archangel Hariton: "Being Partkdolg Duty"

* Chapter 27: Definition of the "Second Conscious Shock" and the "Five Being Obligolnian Strivings"

* Chapter 38: Judas was a traitor - Gurdjieff was wrong

Informal discussion with Debbie Eliott of the Missing Stopender and the Gurdjieff Work

* Second Series: 11 Remarkable Men & 1 Woman: Summary of Gurdjieff's "Meetings with Remarkable Men"

Referenced by Proceedings of the 25th ALL and Everything International Humanities Conference, 2020
"Meetings with Remarkable Remarkable Men: Psychological Aspects of possible Evolution" by Richard E Miller

* Third Series: "Life is Real Only Then, When I Am"- Rebuttal of published book

* My experience with the mania of : "self-observation"

* Ouspensky's In Search of the Miraculous: Index

* Gurdjieff's Grave: Is the Soul eternal?

* Wonderful write up on Gurdjieff's life and teachings: Geni website

Chronology of Gurdjieff's Life by James Moore: From James Moore’s 1991 biography Gurdjieff: the Anatomy of a Myth

Account of the Sarmoun Brotherhood Desmond R. Martin: Sarmoun Brotherhood

* The decoding of Gurdjieff's humorous expressions
by my dear friend Alan Bennett (departed): gurdjieffisms

*Music for Gurdjieff Movement Set 39
Excellent pdf about the Movements
The Orginal Jeanne de Salzmann Instruction

* The Science of the Four States of Consciousness: Commentary on talk by Dr. Fred Travis

* Entangled Quantum particles prove Gurdjieff's Neutral force: Qubits (Quantum Bits) can be both positive or negative at the same time. Their state can only be determined by observation

* Excellent comparison of two similar theories of the creation of the earth and moon and the relationship of the sacred substances of askokin and gold.: "Gurdjieff, Beelzebub, and Zecharia Sitchin" (An Abridged Essay from Appendix III of "The Three Dangerous Magi" by P.T. Mistlberger on Andy Lloyd's site.)

(See my song "Hassein Crying" in matrix at the beginning). What was not mentioned in this essay above was Beelzebub's horns in Form and Sequence as Anunnaki gods were depicted with horns. Also, in the Fourth Sojourn to Earth, Beelzebub claims that apes were caused by the interbreeding of humans and animals, whereas in the Sumerian story, the God Enki created humans from mixing the ovum of a female ape with his sperm to grow inside Ninmah's womb to create the first human (Enki & Ninmah 20-23)

(Stichin's theories were incomplete and flawed, for instance he claimed that the planet Nibiru was Marduk and other planets were gods, which contradicts other Sumerian and Babylon tablets, but it had a ring of truth about it and clearly come from ancient historical knowledge.)

Just a word about me: I attended the Institute for Religious Development headed by W. A. Nyland right after graduating from Georgetown University Class of Clinton 68. When I asked Mr. Nyland in a private session why there was a missing substance after Piandjoehary (See 'Key to Soul Is Within The Missing Stopinder in the Gurdjieff Food Octave' in the matrix at the beginning), he asked me if I had read Beelzebub's Tales and I replied I had read it five times. Then he asked if I had followed the reading instructions at the beginning. I replied no and he suggested that I do so! I guess he did not know the answer. Since then I have only found one person, also from Nyland's group (quoted in the above lecture) and maybe one or two in the 'All & Everything group' (I am published in their Proceedings, 2019 10 minute intro also in matrix above), who is willing to admit to a discrepancy. As to my credentials I can only say I was one of Nyland's best wheelbarrow pushers and I adored his piano playing and my name is almost the same: Dylan. I have also had a chance to meet with Estelle Hoyt and some Gurdjieff groups in Seattle and Vancouver. Unfortunately, I had to break with those work-farm schools as I found that "Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson" had an different message these copycat Gurdjieff or Ouspensky schools. If work-farms or retreats are the only way to achieving a Soul then there must be a fifth way!

So there it is. Please write me with a better solution or just to say that you liked this site or to discuss issues. But never worship or blindly follow any individual who is dead -- look at what happened to Christianity.

(There are many people who feel that to mispronounce Gurdjieff's name is proof of ignorance. I was taught "gurd-Jeef" and the favored one is "Gurd-jev", but I did finally hear the first pronunciation, though with more of a Russian accent, in the wonderful movie: "I am Gurdjieff; I will not die!"). I decided to use a combination of the two as "gurd-Jev"

Thank you for visiting my site, please buy one of my paperback and Kindle Books below
The Pesher of Christ
New release $19.99:
The Pesher of Christ

Paulina's Promise to her Grandfather, Jesus
USA: Paulina's Promise to her
Grandfather, Jesus

UK: Paulina's Promise to her
Grandfather, Jesus
The Seven Sisters and the Apocalypse

USA: The Seven Sisters and
the Apocalypse

UK: The Seven Sisters and
the Apocalypse
Magnetic Disturbance (3x3=7)

USA: Magnetic Disturbance

UK: Magnetic Disturbance

Tools for Growth

King Arthur Studies
Celtic Christianity
Books and songs:
Crystal Dolphin Records and Books
Buffalo Rising (Songs of Spirit)
Lords of Tiamat (Heavy Mystical, Metal with Mystical Direction)
Lords of Tiamat on YouTube
My web sites:
Pesher of Christ
Infinite SOULution Foundation

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An IRS approved Charitable Non-profit Organization under Internal Revenue
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